Join Our Board! Seeking President, Vice President, Secretary and More

MA COLAP is seeking energetic, passionate people to aid in our mission of protecting and preserving MA lakes. We are currently looking to fill the following positions:

  • President: The President acts as Chairman of the Board of Directors and preside over meetings of the members and the Board. The President is the primary spokesperson for MA COLAP and represents the Board between Board meetings. The President works with other board members to coordinate board meetings, newsletters, website updates, and the annual conference.
  • Vice President: The Vice President assists the President in the conduct of his or her duties. In the absence of the President, the Vice President performs the duties of the President.
  • Secretary: The Secretary serves as the Clerk of the corporation and assume all powers/responsibilities of the President in the absence of both the President and Vice President. The Secretary will also assume all powers/responsibilities of the Treasurer in the absence of the Treasurer. The Secretary will be responsible for timely filing of reports to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in addition to keeping roll call and Minutes at all meetings.

All positions are volunteer positions. Being a member of MA COLAP’s Board of Directors is a great way to build experience in nonprofit management and help the Commonwealth’s lakes.

MA COLAP is also seeking to fill several non-officer board member positions. Board members help coordinate MA COLAP’s webpage, social media outlets, and annual conference. There are four board meetings a year and one annual workshop.

If you are interested, please send your resume and a letter detailing why you would like to become a board member to