About Us

MA COLAP works to preserve, protect, maintain and enhance the environmental, aesthetic, recreational and economic values of Massachusetts’ lakes & ponds.

MA COLAP is a non-profit organization. Our membership consists of private lake and pond associations, publicly appointed lake committees, students and professional organizations.

Our mission is to connect people and organizations who have problems, like you, to people and organizations who have solutions. We provide you with the leads and basic information so you can do the rest.

We encourage you to become a member of MA COLAP, or one of its chapters. At MA COLAP members collaborate regularly with other knowledgeable people who are in pursuit of the same objectives: control the weeds, or algae, in your lake, pond, or river, and the pollutants flowing in from a watershed.

The only thing we ask is that you tell us about yourself by sending us an email and in the future share your knowledge, successes and failures, with us and others. This effort on MA COLAP’s part is on-going and the content of this website will be growing and changing into the future.

We are always looking for ways to improve. If there is something you would like to see from MA COLAP please let us know!


The purpose of the Massachusetts Congress of Lake and Pond Associations, Inc. (MA COLAP) is to preserve, protect, maintain and enhance the environmental, aesthetic, recreational and economic values of lakes and ponds, and to promote watershed management, within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


  • Promote the formation of lake and pond associations
  • Support the activities of lake and pond associations
  • Promote sound watershed ecology
  • Promote excellence in water quality standards
  • Promote the control of nuisance aquatic vegetation and species
  • Promote water and boating safety
  • Promote the development of standards, legislation and regulations beneficial to lakes and ponds
  • Provide a unified voice for the benefit of lakes and ponds


The MA Congress of Lake and Pond Associations has been working to preserve and protect the lakes and ponds within the Commonwealth for over 45 years. The group started in the mid-1970’s after the creation of the Clean Lakes Program.