Message from the Incoming President

To the members of MA COLAP:
I am excited to accept the position of President for MA COLAP. Past presidents have worked hard to bring about the modernization of the organization. These changes have included developing a new website, refining the bylaws, and expanding the use of electronic communication. As media coordinator, I have been working to bring back quarterly newsletters, update the website, and expand MA COLAP’s social media influence.
I am excited to work with you and my fellow board members to continue the work of my predecessors and increase the organization’s use as a platform to share and disseminate information relevant to our member associations. I hope you will find the quarterly newsletters one of the best ways to learn and share what is happening with other lake and pond associations across the state.
If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas regarding MA COLAP that you would like to share with me, please email me at I want to hear what makes MA COLAP useful to you and what you want to see more of in the future.
Thank you,
Melissa Lenker